Benefits of using DigitalShelves

  • Sustainability

    DigitalShelves can help reduce paper waste associated with traditional paper labels, making them an environmentally friendly option.

  • Cost-saving

    Over time, the cost of printing paper labels and the staff time spent on manually updating them can add up. DigitalShelves eliminates these costs and can pay for themselves in a relatively short amount of time.

  • Accuracy

    DigitalShelves can reduce pricing errors that can occur with manual updates. This helps to ensure that customers are charged the correct price for products at all times.

  • Remotely manage your store

    Manage your store remotely from one web portal. Access your portal on your laptop, mobile phone or any device that has internet access.

  • Flexibility

    Your business can easily change prices on individual items, groups of items, or across an entire store. This flexibility allows you to respond to market conditions and adjust pricing strategies as needed with a click of a button!

  • Efficiency

    DigitalShelves can be updated in real-time, allowing your business to quickly respond to changes in pricing or promotions. Even when you use pre-made plastic price labels with plug in plastic pricing - time is money and accuracy is key…convenience to manage your store(s) can be achieved with a few clicks, is your time worth money?

  • Time-saving

    DigitalShelves can save your business significant amounts of time by eliminating the need for manual price updates. Prices can be updated automatically from a central location, which frees up staff to focus on other tasks

  • On Brand Design

    Customise your logo, look and feel with all labels in your store. Designed specifically to your business needs.